Wildlife on Mars... Past and Future, Part 2

Wildlife on Mars-2012 Over the years, between retail jobs and in times where I found myself doodling ideas, I redesigned the existing creature designs, created new ones, merged two features from different designs together and created better creatures. However, it was still based around the same documentary style of viewing, and this was starting to bother me trying to find that working formula that would make Wildlife on Mars stand out. Then, in 2011, whilst I was volunteering at the Bradford Animation Festival for my 3rd year, one of the volunteers, Steve Henderson, told me of a storyboard contest that was being held on the Don't Panic Online website for the Ray & Diana Harryhausen Foundation. Naturally I went to check out the terms of the contest, and boy what terms! You had to use a pre-made storyboard template between 6-12 boards. If it was turned into an animation it had to last between 30 seconds to 3 minutes and had to run with the theme of monsters (Ray ...