Non-human Armatures, Understanding a Niche Design

If you look at most animations today you'll see a running theme; most, not all, armatures are based on a humanoid or a bipedal character. This has many factors, mainly down to story or the imagination of the creator, but there is also a subconscious decision too. humanoid designs are easier to understand because, basically, we are surrounded by them, we see them in the mirror everyday, observe them in the streets and even watch them on TV. The humanoid form in biology is one of the most complicated feats of bio-engineering and evolution, concurring issues like balance and controlled falling (walking). All of which have been mastered in ball and socket armatures and continues to improve with new technologies and techniques. But what about the non humanoid designs, like the Quadrupeds, Theropods and Avian types? When stop-motion armatures started to be developed more seriously in the early years of cinema, many of the effects were based on non-human characters, such as dinosaur...